Saturday 25 August 2012

Watch Phir Subah Hogi Tuesday 21nd August 2012 Episode Online

What does a woman do when she is destined for something that is neither her wish nor desire?What can a woman do when her profession and hence life is decided upon by tradition and not her will?While a majprity of India is basking in the glory of development and the luxuries of 21st century ,there is a taribe that is being and has been exploited for hundred of years.

Phir subha Hogi is the stiry of Sugni,a coming of age woman who has had the ill fate of being born to a Bedni mother .It is her destiny to become a `Bedni`and perform`Rai` dance and also cater  to the pyhsical needs of men.It has been the tradition of the `Bedia`tribe for several generation now.
Sugni does not envision a life a Rai dancer who would quench the desires of several men in her life and not have family of her own or a dignified living.Her education and the Knowledge of the outside world  where woman lead a respectable life,where woman have jobs,kall in love,get married,have children and raise families ,has enabled her to dream the unthinkable.Bednis do not hane the luxury to choose their course of life and without their consent,the males of the family and the men of the society even go on to an axtent of determiniing and setting up of `Sardhakai`which is the ritual marks the beginning of a Bedai `s life  into Prostitution.

21nd August 2012-Part 1

21nd August 2012-Part 2

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